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2007- 现在    华中师范大学化学学院,教授
2005 -2007   日本国立福井大学,日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员。
2003-2005 中国科学院化学所高分子物理与化学国家重点实验室,博士后
2003年  北京理工大学获工学博士学位
2000年  北京服装学院获工学硕士学位 


1.    2009中国科技创业计划大赛新苗奖(科技部火炬高技术产业开发中心、国家科技风险开发事业中心&宁波市人民政府,2009)
2.    日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员(日本学术振兴会,2005)
3.    获第三十六批博士后科学基金资助金(中国博士后科学基金会,2004)
4.    获高分子物理与化学国家重点实验室研究基金,(中科院化学所,2003).
5.    涤纶自伸长纤维的工业化开发,中国石油化工总公司主持的部级鉴定


1. Y. Cao, I, Ikeda, Antioxidant activity and antitumor activity ( in vitro) of xyloglucan selenious ester and surfated xyloglucan. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2009, 45: 231–235,
2. Y. Cao, D. Shen, Y. Lu, Y. Huang, A Raman-scattering Study on the Net Orientation of Biomacromolecules in the Outer Epidermal Walls of Mature Wheat Stems (Triticum aestivum), Annals of Botany 2006, 97: 1091–1094,
3.    Y. Cao, H. Tan, Preparation and properties of cellulose microporous membrane from novel cellulose/aqueous NaOH solutions, Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2006, 102, 920-926.
4.    Y. Cao, H. Tan,   Study on Crystal Structures of Enzyme-hydrolyzed Cellulosic Materials by X-ray Diffraction, Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2005, 36/2-3. 314-317.
5.    Y. Cao, H. Tan, The effect of shear field on the hydrolysis of cellulose, Journal of Macromolecule Science – Physics, 2004, B43. 1115-1121.
6.    Y. Cao, H. Tan, Structural characterization of cellulose with enzymatic treatment, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2004, 705/1-3. 189-193.
7.    Y. Cao, Y. Lu, Y. Huang, NIR FT-Raman study of biomass (Triticum aestivum) treated with cellulase, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2004, 693/1-3, 87-93.
8.    Y. Cao, H. Tan, Effects of cellulase on the modification of cellulose, Carbohydrate Research, 2002, 337,1291–1296.
9.    Y. Cao, H. Tan, The properties of enzyme-hydrolyzed cellulose in aqueous sodium hydroxide, Carbohydrate Research, 2002, 337, 1453–1457.

书籍:曹郁, 杨欢 (编辑), 2004中科院博士后前沿与交叉学科学术论坛论文集, 中国科学院, 2004年12月


1.       Yu Cao, Ying Gu, Jing Bai, Hong Ma, Peiguang Zhao, Lina Liu, Hongxuan He, Huilin Jiang, Xia Lei, Hong Qian, Changjiang Yang. Self-organized Nano Drug Delivery Systems from Polysaccharide Grafted with Antitumor drug and Targeting Moiety. ChinaNANO 2009, International Conference on Nanoscience & Technology. 2009. (Oral)
2.       Yu Cao, Jing Liu, Hong Ma, Jing Bai, Chao Qi. Novel Nanoparticle Drug Delivery Systems for Hepatic tumor. PIBM 2009, 8th International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine. 2009

华中师范大学化学实验教学中心 版权所有 | National Demonstration Center for Experimental Chemistry Education (Central China Normal University)   All rights reserved.